Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Steel-cut motivation

I'll get back to the trip out to Mona Island in a few days, but I just wanted to detour here for one fricken minute and offer my propers to Remington (Peerce Brosnan) Seal-cut Brady.

He has this story about how we shood all run some unspecified distance. It's really cool. And by "run" he means acshally run. Like the football players or the police do.

At first I thought he had to be using the word in some new way, Like "Yeah, I'm running a 625 unner the hood with a 41/frf tranny."

But the more I read it, the more I think he acshally means "moving your legs fast enough that your feet leave the ground"


And even though I won't take him up on this "challenge from the 1970's", I think it's admirable that he makes the effort. Here's to you, "runner".

Is it safe?

If you run too much, Zell might want to check your teeth.


Frank Frank Frank said...

That guy's a homo. Don't pay attention to a fucking word he's saying.

By the way, I've been advised by me to find you and drink my problems away. Never worked in the past, but it sure seems like a good idea now. Maybe we could get into a fist fight, too. I'd like that.

So whip up another batch of that pineapple-coconut-ibuprofen-rum smoothie and get ready to make your face into an everlast punching bag.

Nate Keeler said...

Woah, notnotfred. My grandpa told me about the "drinking and fighting" side of the family. That they are in direct opposition to the "just drinking" side of the family. He did not mention the "drinking and talking about fighting" side of the family. Wow, a family with 3 sides.

If drinking is not solving your problems, you can do what I would do if I had any problems. Drink them away. But I don't have any problems other than I can't find my salt shaker.

Augustus DeMorgan said...

I'm pretty sure notnotfredcube = fredcube, so notfredcube and fredcube is a logical fallacy no matter how many nots you you throw in there, assholes.

Frank Frank Frank said...

Don't give me this fucking relational algebra crap, De Morgan. This is two-thirds of a family fight, so keep out or I'll start swinging for you too.

But since you challenged, allow me to muddle it up a little more. Just as my twisted family tree can have three halves, the illogical world of fredcube can exist as multiple personalities simultaneously. It's kind of like the unholy trinity.

By the way, chap, when did you lose your British accent?