I'll get back to the trip out to Mona Island in a few days, but I just wanted to detour here for one fricken minute and offer my propers to Remington (Peerce Brosnan) Seal-cut Brady.
He has this story about how we shood all run some unspecified distance. It's really cool. And by "run" he means acshally run. Like the football players or the police do.
At first I thought he had to be using the word in some new way, Like "Yeah, I'm running a 625 unner the hood with a 41/frf tranny."
But the more I read it, the more I think he acshally means "moving your legs fast enough that your feet leave the ground"
And even though I won't take him up on this "challenge from the 1970's", I think it's admirable that he makes the effort. Here's to you, "runner".
Is it safe?
If you run too much, Zell might want to check your teeth.